Monday, October 11, 2010

Appropriate to make general

Appropriate to make general, parquet, and load-bearing floors and joinery, sleepers. is also very suitable for production of decorative veneer; garden furniture, large wood products, cars spin goods, tool handles; fresh piles, retaining plate and bridges; ships, vehicles. iron iron camphor camphor name, Eusideroxylon malagangai; Malagangai, Njelong. scribe Lauraceae, Ostrya. trees and the distribution of trees, tree up to 0.4 ~ 0.6m. is mainly produced in Malaysia and Indonesia. Common name or misleading name: Purple Gang. Department of Wood diffuse porous Moncler wood and wood characteristics. heartwood and sapwood were distinguished;heart wood red-brown, then turn deep oxidation by air; sapwood yellowish brown to reddish-brown, with those with a green hue. Growth rings are not significantly or slightly. pores in the naked eye under clear tylosis rich. the axial parenchyma was seen under the naked eye, wing-like, poly wing, and annular tube and ribbon. rays visible under a magnifying glass to just clear, thin to medium density , narrow. wave stellar marks and cell no. wood shiny; new section Micro with lemon odor, no special taste; grain straight or slightly oblique, to the fine structure, even slightly.

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